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Gwddf Hollt yn erbyn Gwddf Di-dor: Trafodwch y Gwahaniaethau a Manteision Technoleg Doliau Rhyw!

In the world of sex doll technology, one of the key aspects manufacturers and buyers consider is neck design – whether to opt for a seamed or seamless neck. Both options have their own unique features and benefits, and it's important to Dolliau Irontech understand the differences between them to make an informed choice.

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The difference between a seamed neck and a seamless neck

A seamed neck is a sex doll that has a visible seam where the neck joins the body. This design creates a more distinct distinction Dol FANREAL between the head and body, giving a realistic appearance. However, some people may find the seams unsightly, as they serve as a stark reminder that the doll is man-made.

The seamless neck, on the other hand, is designed to blend seamlessly with the body, creating a smoother, more realistic transition from head to neck. The absence of visible seams enhances the Doll DL realism and makes it appear more like a human companion. This design choice often appeals to those looking for a doll with increased realism.

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The merits of each neck design depend on personal preference and desired realism. While some collectors appreciate the authenticity of seamless necks, others may find the seams of a quilted neck more appealing because it reminds them of the artistry involved in crafting these intricate companions.

Ultimately, the choice of a seamed or seamless neck comes down to personal taste and the level of Dol Funwest authenticity one seeks in a sex doll experience. The manufacturer understands the different preferences of the customers and offers both options to meet the various needs within the market.

Gadael sylw

* Meysydd gofynnol

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